Sunday, 12 March 2017

My life right now.....

So..... here's the list -
work - busy, stressful, hectic
home - busy, stressful, hectic
family - busy, stressful, hectic....
Hhhhmmmm - I am sensing a theme.......

We seem to thrive on madness in this household. Here's the picture at the moment......
So you can see its all a bit hectic. Spent a week throwing things out of the loft, then filled the loft back up with stuff out of the garage, as you do. Then spread the rest of the stuff out of the garage around the rest of the house. Its not pretty. Knocked 1 wall out for a doorway. Put a wall up in previous doorway. Husband built a wall at the front, then took it down again. Waited  a week for the building inspector, then wall went up again. As I write the floor is going down. Hopefully window in later today. Stuff everywhere, dust, tools...yadda yadda - you get the picture. Its going to be a couple of months before its all done....will sanity prevail????

Meanwhile long hours at work, coupled with being so far out of my comfort zone its not true, trying to write the third book and the fact that people keep asking for cakes!! I'm very flattered to be asked, don't get me wrong, and don't worry, it's all very hygienic in the kitchen, but sometimes my head is spinning. Got 2 cakes this week, 1 the week after and another shortly after that. Great to have a hobby that people pay me for though, and at least I don't have the results of my efforts cluttering up the already very cluttered and untidy house, so its all good.

Eldest son is looking for a house, and in our "spare time" (said with straight really)  we are going to look at properties. He wants one that we can "do up". In the rest of our "spare time". (Straight face is slipping now......) Oh did I mention we also have his dog. The one that has now become ours. To walk and such.... (no that's it, I've gone now!!!)
So run out of time now, back to the cake / dog / building mess/ house hunting / lesson planning / cleaning and shopping (who has time for that???)

Love family life. Pass the straightjacket........

Saturday, 18 February 2017

More and more cake......(warning...saucy cake pics!)

It has never been my intention to be a professional cake maker, and to be honest, right now I don't have the skills or equipment. But I do regurlarly get asked to make cakes and cupcakes for friends and family. I wouldn't make cakes for a living, as it can be a bit stressful and in any case, it doesn't really pay. But I do enjoy it, and I'm flattered to be asked. I love cupcakes the most, much less stressful and great fun. I was asked to do some for a hen party recently and had a great giggle doing them! So here's a few photos of recent efforts. I have 3 more in the pipeline in the next couple of weeks. But its half term now, although plans are afoot for work on the house, somewhere in between I will write and bake. My daughter took me for a spa weekend recenly so that was a chance to recharge....very much appreciated it was too!

A very funny family.

Have you seen that game, where you put a bit of plastic in your mouth then try to speak? It was the must have game this Christmas, and I have seen several film clips and photos of families engaged in the hilarity. And so it was with my family this year. We were away in a log cabin (annual post Christmas treat) when we first played and I have never laughed so hard, which was VERY therapeutic!  Try saying "I'm a fig plucker" without letting your lips meet, especially after a couple of merry glasses of..... And you will see what I mean!  Laughter is most certainly the best medicine....we buy a new game every year and have things that involve playing Charades whilst waving a rubber chicken about (the dog likes that one too....), playing pictionary whilst wearing enourmous goggles, and a whole bunch of games that involve us all shouting at each other and trying to cheat. (I am particularly good at cheating at Monopoly...ask my kids....not that its been a life lesson to them to cheat, but in games enjoy it and don't take the whole thing too seriously 😀.
Does my chin look big in this photo?

My mum and sisters at a Murder Mystery event

We had some silly fun with Elf this year

Elf caught the Norovirus like the rest of us